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欧洲学生遭遇中国城市交通紊乱 Shanghai – Impression of China Travel 2013

上海 - 中国旅游2013之印象(1



上海 - 印象中国旅游20132

困扰了我很多次的真正的问题是,在中国上海,有如此巨大的交通流量。这感觉就像,我们住的酒店正巧是在上海最繁忙的地区之一。两个十字路口紧密相邻。仿佛这还不够坏,在此之上居然还有座高架桥。无限量的的车辆在各条道路上产生了巨大噪音。无论是清晨或午夜,总是有大量的交通流量。但交通最糟糕的部分是,当我不得不横穿马路。在中国的大街小巷中横穿, 可能是这个假期,我所做过的最危险的事情之一。大多数司机并没真正在乎街上的行人。他们总是试图抢先在我之前。当他们距离我仅几英寸远,几乎撞到我时才刹车停下。所以,在我过马路的整个时间中我不得不高度警惕。




Shanghai – Impression of My China Travel 2013 (1)

I have visited China since I was a toddler and China has always been my family’s Number 1 travelling destination. Out of all the vacations in China, the one we had in this summer has to be the best one because it has been the first time that I have truly experienced this amazing country!
I have to say I was shocked to see that the China I had had in my old memories was not the same as the one I have seen this time. That’s the reason that at the beginning I decided to chronicle my own experience, so that I won’t forget it again.
My journey didn’t start very well at all. Like always, I vomited during the 12-hour torture of a flight and I ended up being tired and dehydrated. Things couldn’t get worse until I went outside of the air-conditioned airport and got hit with a huge wave of extreme heat. My friends at school always complain about the hot weather in Austria, obviously they have never been to China in summer!
But the heat wasn’t the only problem. 

Shanghai – Impression of My China Travel 2013 (2)
The Traffic in China: A Problem, Or Is It?

The real problem that bothered me a lot in China, especially in Shanghai, was the tremendous amount of traffic that took place. It felt like our hotel was right beside one of the busiest areas in Shanghai. There were 2 crossroads right beside each other, and as if that wasnt bad enough, there was even a highway above it. The seemingly unlimited amount of vehicles on the streets produced a huge amount of noise. Whether it was early in the morning or at midnight, there was always a lot of traffic. But the worst part about the traffic was when I had to cross the street. Crossing the streets in China was probably one of the most dangerous things I have ever done in this vacation. Most of the drivers didnt really care about the people that were on the street. They always tried to get past me and they only stopped when they were inches away from crashing into me. I had to be on guard the entire time while I was crossing.

When I look at the streets in China, it always makes me wonder why there are way more mopeds than cars. Even though they looked kind of funny, they were much more dangerous than the cars because they always try to find a way to drive right through a crowd of people who are crossing the street. Mopeds are like flies, they are small, mobile and they bug you the entire time. I guess its because of their mobility, why mopeds have suddenly become famous in China. 

However, apart from the danger, the traffic wasnt really that bad after all because you could always see something new while watching the streets. I sometimes used the bus in China and even though there was a TV inside it, it was way more entertaining to just look at all the people that drove past me. I guess you can argue about if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but one thing is for sure: this makes China a more interesting place.
